
Showing posts from February, 2020

February 27, 2020

I'm halfway through my part of the study guide for our chapter. There's been a lot of talk of the Corona virus today. - Erika Zuniga

good times

Too much nostalgia today I'm blessed. Charles Legido


I have been doing research for my part on Social Security, it has been pretty stressful. I've been managing writing papers, studying for tests, and doing this project. Managing five classes, going to school only twice a week, and very little to no sleep has cause me so many headaches, I lost count after the second week. This is my second semester here at mdc, I need to keep my gpa at a 3.5 in order to go to FIU after my two years. I personally like college a little bit more than high school. Everyone is focused on their own thing and everyone is so friendly with one another.

Stressed Out

Brismayra Andrade I feel like I am officially going crazy with so many things going on at once. Balancing school and work is so complicated, especially when work takes so much of my time.   Also, everyone talking about coronavirus and seeing it all over the news has me so freaking scared. I can't believe this is a real thing. I hope it doesn't reach Hialeah and that it gets under control some how.

Corona Virus

Charles Legido Make sure everyone is informed about the Corona virus.  Cases are spreading outside China.  Just another product made in China.  Stay safe and stay clean.  What are your opinions on whats happening, conspiracy theories are welcomed.  via GIPHY

To brother Charles - Nielsen Nip

Greetings brother! I DO NOT HAVE THE CORONOVIRUS thank you. :)

To brother NIP

I hope your not to sick to finish your study guide. Charles Legido

Sick - Nielsen Nip

A of right now 02/27 teammates, I am feeling sick. Chapter two study guide is still on the way though! I hear the coronavirus is visiting every state in the U.S. Lets hope not!

February 27, 2020

Today on this fine Thursday, I have started to work on my study guide on chapter 8 and it its going very well so far. My partner and I have started to work on it by two parts and its good progress that we're on. Charles have finished his part of the study guide and others from our team are also working on it. We present on the 12th of March and we are in such progress so far.

My 2nd blog

I have created the template to follow for the study guide.  I have added everyone by email to the google doc to have access to the content.  Charles Legido

Wealth Project status update #1

So today on the 18th of February I have decided to work on my part of the group project. In our Wealth group project, I will be working on student loans. For this topic I'll be basically covering the issues revolving student loans crisis (failures that caused the crisis) and what impacts are having on wealth of individuals and will it have on the future of our nation. Its been a nonstop research grind for this topic ill be presenting. I want this group presentation to be as professional as possible and its been a hardworking topic. Overall, its crazy how everyone basically needs student loans unless you are very wealthy or have a complete scholarship. I have noticed that everyone is doing their parts, especially in class today. We're here interacting with one another and getting to know what to talk about each of our parts to present. It has been an epic adventure with my teammates and we have started to understand each other. We’re all as one and I’m very happy with our progre

Study Guide Progress

Brismayra Andrade Today I am working on the study guide. I was assigned Chapter 1:Communication Perspectives along with Nicole😊. We split the chapter in half and we will be focusing on the highlighted terms of our section.   Along with the study guide I am going to make sure to do some research on my topic because the presentation date is getting closer and closer. It is really stressful because there are so many links and so many different articles that I kind of lose myself. Hopefully as the days go by the pressure will help me get things done better and faster. ♡
Today the group began to work on a draft of the presentation and study guide. We found great pictures relating to our topic for the presentation. I think that we were very productive today. I am content with how our group is getting along. Thumbs up to us. Rodrigo and I are assigned to work on chapter eight together. via GIPHY - Erika Zuniga

1st Blog

Today is feeling overwhelming.  A lot of organization is needed to make this presentation stand out.  At least I have a great group making this fun.  Charles Legido

To Yesi - Nielsen Nip

How you doing partner?! I hope everything is going well with the study guide for Chapter 2. Have a great day!

Blog - Nielsen Nip

We are currently working on the study guide for the presentation and figuring out how to work the blog.