Wealth Project status update #1

So today on the 18th of February I have decided to work on my part of the group project. In our Wealth group project, I will be working on student loans. For this topic I'll be basically covering the issues revolving student loans crisis (failures that caused the crisis) and what impacts are having on wealth of individuals and will it have on the future of our nation. Its been a nonstop research grind for this topic ill be presenting. I want this group presentation to be as professional as possible and its been a hardworking topic. Overall, its crazy how everyone basically needs student loans unless you are very wealthy or have a complete scholarship. I have noticed that everyone is doing their parts, especially in class today. We're here interacting with one another and getting to know what to talk about each of our parts to present. It has been an epic adventure with my teammates and we have started to understand each other. We’re all as one and I’m very happy with our progress and of course there is still a lot to do, but we will get it done. What I love about this speech class is that I’ve gotten to interact with more people. This presentation on March 12th and April 10th will be very professionally presented. I know the effort in my team and we’re going to the best that we can. I’m really glad that we’ve selected wealth beacause is a topic that we can discuss about every single day. Especially, today we got into immediate movement. We started researching a lot about our topics and we discussed, laughed, and interacted with one another. Another thing I want to say is that ever since I got into this class, I’ve learned to talk to other people that I don’t personally know and it’s actually a great feeling. I always thought that people would get to to their own people that they’be met in the past, but it’s actually not and I’m glad that I met people who are like me more or less, but we share one objective and it’s to pass the class. We’ve gotten to learn about our past and see our weaknesses and strengths. We have done such a good job and we are good in progress. We made the agenda and we already discuss what do and now each of us has to do the blog. This has been an awesome experience with all honesty to work with group of people that you never met in your entire life and that is what the beauty of college is. Everyone in college is here to interact with one another and to share a common goal which is to pursue our dream. There is so much importance in talking to other human beings than to being on your phones and that’s what this class has shown to us. I really appreciate how life can change when you’re in college. I am just glad to be in class like this.


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