Quarantine Update

Brismayra Andrade

I've been getting the hang of things lately. Like I mentioned, having my routine broken was a hassle but things are getting a little easier. I've just come to realization and I have stopped trying to take control of everything. We just have to let things flow and live on a day by day basis so that we don't go crazy. Every day at work there are new changes, from us getting paid, to learning new systems to work from home, and even having to reschedule patients 2 to 3 times a week.

Making sure that patients aren't sick and taking certain measures with them has been a success we have been controlling that pretty well I think.

I also feel like moments like this stress everyone out to the point where we argue over things that normally we would be able to talk about without a certain attitude.

Quarantine has been basically impossible since work is still going on but for the most part I have been staying home.

I just really hope all of this goes away sooner than later, and that it all just becomes a horrible memory.


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