Quaratin -Mabys

These days have been ok for a while. I have been sleeping in a lot to catch up on the hours I have missed since the beginning of the new semester, I'm not too fond on the online learning since I learn better in person but maybe this will give me a chance to surpass all my classes and not being held back because of the classes I failed. I will be honest I have been slacking off because I've been so exhausted from all my classes, but I'm now taking a class to learn Korean upon my other five classes. When I get bored at home, I would play on wii since I still have it in my room and then I started looking all around for Nintendo DSi and I can't find it anywhere. I have been talking to my friends a lot more since we are all at home. I was supposed to go to Orlando with my friends and my friend and cousin who are from New York since we were going to a concert happening there. We already had an airbnb set up and everything for this trip, however, due to the coronavirus everything has been postponed. Our airbnb sent an email to our friend who booked it and they are gonna give us our money back but we are not sure when they will send it. I started talking to an old friend again to catch up, we went through a lot together in middle school and we just got back in contact not too long ago and we started talking on the phone last night. We just started talking about our lives and what we have been up to. We also talked about the old times back in our middle school, we also forgive each other for the past. I'm helping my friend with her essay and I'm so confused with her essay. Her professor does not explain clearly the essay and outline, he contradicts himself about what he has on his outline and makes it even more difficult to write about it. Hopefully, everyone is being smart and staying home unless it neccessary to go out of the house. My parents have been going in and out of the house so much. My dad still continues to work which worries me, my sister, and my mom a lot since he's out on the street a lot and then my mom leaves to do errands and help my grandmother.


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