
February 3 to 7

In the week of February 3 to 7, 2020 in the class SPC1017, Professor Sherri Sinkoff gave us some advice explaining how our group should investigate the topic Wealth that we chose. She gave us a calendar with the purpose of writing the progress that we are making on such topic. In addition, Sinkoff also gave us pointers like going to the library to obtain information on how to do research on our subject. Finally, Sinkoff gave us the deadline to deliver our class presentation. Yesi Valdez

Remote Learning Class 3-31-20- Rodrigo Aguiluz

Today Tuesday on the 31st of march, we did online class and it was a different experience in my entire life. It felt like a conference meeting and we were all sharing ideas. I just wish to face time with my group to be honest, but it was a complete and different experience for me in a good way though. I liked how everyone related with me because a lot people were just waking up, so i wasn't the only one. Some wanted to debate right off the i said it, its pretty good to do this to be honest and it feels pretty fun to do.

Remote Learning

Hello group mates, I hope you are all doing well. We are moving into a remote learning environment, which is something I’m not too well accustomed to, but will be something I will have to adapt to since the remainder of the semester is set to be done online. It’s going to be interesting, for sure. Maybe a bit annoying too. I hope the first day of the online class with Professor Sinkoff goes well and smoothly. Also, we have another presentation that we have to work on soon on persuasion. There will for sure be certain challenges along with it, but maybe now there will be different and new challenges. Many may rise because it will all be executed through virtual and online means, no physical presence or physical contact of a group. I’m not too worried for this group because I think we have a good dynamic and a good leader. - Erika Zuniga

Quaratin -Mabys

These days have been ok for a while. I have been sleeping in a lot to catch up on the hours I have missed since the beginning of the new semester, I'm not too fond on the online learning since I learn better in person but maybe this will give me a chance to surpass all my classes and not being held back because of the classes I failed. I will be honest I have been slacking off because I've been so exhausted from all my classes, but I'm now taking a class to learn Korean upon my other five classes. When I get bored at home, I would play on wii since I still have it in my room and then I started looking all around for Nintendo DSi and I can't find it anywhere. I have been talking to my friends a lot more since we are all at home. I was supposed to go to Orlando with my friends and my friend and cousin who are from New York since we were going to a concert happening there. We already had an airbnb set up and everything for this trip, however, due to the coronavirus every
Hello group mates. I hope this post finds you all well. Since our topic for the presentation covered the wealth aspect of our nation, I think it has been interesting and worrying to see how the global pandemic that is the coronavirus is affecting multiple economies around the world. It's mind boggling and heart breaking to see how lives of millions around the world are forcefully being changed and altered. Here in the United States, millions have filed for unemployment. In order to largely prevent the spread of the disease and bacteria, social distancing, lock downs, and self-quarantine-ing or self-isolating must be put into practice. Many industries and businesses are taking a hit in order to prevent the spread. They are closing their shops, letting their employees go, and are losing a significant amount of profit. What is happening around the world seems so unreal. It seems like it is a concept taken from a video game or a plot right out of a book or movie. It sounds made up. Unl

Quarantine Update

Brismayra Andrade I've been getting the hang of things lately. Like I mentioned, having my routine broken was a hassle but things are getting a little easier. I've just come to realization and I have stopped trying to take control of everything. We just have to let things flow and live on a day by day basis so that we don't go crazy. Every day at work there are new changes, from us getting paid, to learning new systems to work from home, and even having to reschedule patients 2 to 3 times a week. Making sure that patients aren't sick and taking certain measures with them has been a success we have been controlling that pretty well I think. I also feel like moments like this stress everyone out to the point where we argue over things that normally we would be able to talk about without a certain attitude. Quarantine has been basically impossible since work is still going on but for the most part I have been staying home. I just really hope all of this goes awa


Brismayra Andrade So receiving an email saying that the rest of the semester will be online has be going a little nuts since I hate being on a computer. Not only is school through online but my job is slowly getting there as well. No other words to type but: stressed. Bye.