Hello group mates. I hope this post finds you all well. Since our topic for the presentation covered the wealth aspect of our nation, I think it has been interesting and worrying to see how the global pandemic that is the coronavirus is affecting multiple economies around the world. It's mind boggling and heart breaking to see how lives of millions around the world are forcefully being changed and altered. Here in the United States, millions have filed for unemployment. In order to largely prevent the spread of the disease and bacteria, social distancing, lock downs, and self-quarantine-ing or self-isolating must be put into practice. Many industries and businesses are taking a hit in order to prevent the spread. They are closing their shops, letting their employees go, and are losing a significant amount of profit. What is happening around the world seems so unreal. It seems like it is a concept taken from a video game or a plot right out of a book or movie. It sounds made up. Unlike a natural disaster, this “storm” can be tempered. By avoiding contact with the outside world, practicing good hygiene, etc., this disease will cease to spread, and eventually and hopefully dying out. 

- Erika Zuniga


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