Tips for how to present

Once you have your slides completed, go review them to ensure you understand your talking points.  It will help you build confidence in what you have to say and present making the presentation easier and eliminate any added anxiety.  On a side note lets not go over board with videos.  I have a few but lets keep the videos to a minimum.  Videos/interviews should only cover the topic of wealth as a whole,  which I have already added, technology, social security, and budgeting/finical security.  If possible try not to read the PowerPoint word for word as it appears on our slides.  Be able to explain topics from off the top of your head as you understand it from your research.  It will help to speak with more clarity and also help you learn the material.  As always good luck and stay positive.  We will do well I have the utmost confidence in our group to succeed on Thursday.

Charles Legido


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